
Cost apportionment pursuant to § 19 para 2 StromNEV

Pursuant to the Power Grid Compensation Ordinance (StromNEV) of 25 July 2005, which was last amended by Article 7 of the Law on the Reform of Economic Energy Regulations of 21 July 2014 (published on 25 July 2014), end consumers can apply for an individual network charge pursuant to § 19 para 2 clause 1 StromNEV or a release from the network charge pursuant to § 19 para 2 clause 2 StromNEV. The operators of transmission networks are obligated to reimburse downstream operators of electricity distribution networks for lost income resulting from individual network charges and exemptions from network charges. The transmission system operators must compensate for these payments, as well as their own lost revenue with each other. The lost revenue shall be allocated in accordance with § 19 para 2 clause 14 StromNEV according to § 9 KWK-G to all end consumers (LV).

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